The Great North Bog
The time to invest in our peatlands is now
Awareness of the value of healthy peatlands and their contributions towards tackling the climate and biodiversity crises is high. The peatland community of northern England has developed a vision to match the scale of this ecological challenge.

Our partnership
By joining up of some of the most successful peatland restoration organisations in Europe we can bring about a massive and urgent step change in saving the majority of England’s upland peatlands before it is too late.
The protected landscapes of the Great North Bog represent around 92% of the upland peat in England. The Great North Bog includes four National Parks, three National Landscapes and the proposed South Pennines Park, and represents significant opportunity to implement the peatland restoration objectives in the 25 Year Environment Plan.
Peatlands storevast amounts of carbon
They store vast amounts of carbon. Restoring them will also reduce carbon emissions released by damaged peat.
It is estimated that 4.4million tonnes of carbon is released annually by damaged peat in the Great North Bog.