Since 2003 the Moors for the Future Partnership has developed and delivered a landscape scale programme of blanket bog restoration, conserving and repairing the moors of the Peak District and South Pennines.
Using innovative conservation techniques the partnership has transformed over 33 sq km of degraded peat in the Peak District National Park, South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation and West Pennine Moors SSSI. A monitoring programme provides evidence of the effectiveness of these techniques, and the team uses communications to inspire people to care for these special places.
Work is delivered by the Moors for the Future staff team through the Peak District National Park Authority as the lead and accountable body. It is supported through its partners including the Environment Agency, Natural England, National Trust, RSPB, Severn Trent Water, United Utilities, Yorkshire Water, Pennine Prospects and representatives of the moorland owner and farming community.